A recent study out of London, England asked thousands of people to tell them what their biggest worries are.  Of course we all have small issues that happen everyday and some people have dubbed those “First World Problems.”

Researchers worked with a behavioural psychologist from Goldsmiths University and quizzed thousands of 20-somethings about their ‘first-world problems’. They then asked people in their 50s what their biggest worries were twenty years ago and compared the two sets of results.

The biggest issues facing young adults today is apparently the buffering sign when you are streaming something online — Next up no free Wi-Fi at a hotel — Leaving your phone at home — Forgetting your log-in passwords

And finally having to wait in the house all day for a delivery.



Older adults (50+) were asked what they worried about the most in 1997.

And their top 5 answers were…

Getting over-exposed photos when they got them developed  —  Saving for their first home — Whether they can afford a vacation or not — Earning enough to pay the bills …And having a happy relationship.



Researcher Patrick Fagan, a consumer behavioral psychologist, adds, “We are instinctively hardwired to look for problems. While we used to fret over rent and job security, our concerns have now transmuted into more fickle problems.”





Filed under: babyboomers, firstworldproblems, kissmornings, millenials