26 year old Chris Ulmer is  a special education teacher in the U.S. and he spends roughly 10 minutes with each one of his special needs students (10 -13 years old) showering them with compliments.

Each day also has a different theme. On “Funday Monday,” he gives every student the opportunity to do whatever they want for one or two minutes, which usually involves the student being goofy and trying to make classmates laugh.
On “Toast Tuesday,” Ulmer is not the only one giving out compliments; each student toasts another with a compliment. And Wednesdays are for being wacky. – – “I created this day with the intention of teaching them that it’s great to be different and that they should embrace it”. Then, there is “Thankful Thursday” and “Music Friday”. On Thankful Thursday, one student who was often bullied at school said he was SO thankful for his school because, without it, he wouldn’t have any friends. After sharing what he was thankful for with the rest of the class, one classmate kindly responded by telling him “he’s not alone”.“To see the kids connecting and understanding each other validates everything I do,” Ulmer said.