(Cc: Christine Muschi/Montreal Gazette)
(Cc: Christine Muschi/Montreal Gazette)

Canada’s first adult day care opened in Montreal on Thursday. iChild is a program for grown-ups who want to escape the daily grind and stress from their jobs.

Co-founder James Turner says the adult daycare targets people who work corporate jobs and the people who will benefit the most from this program are those who work in accounting or the finance sector.
Aside from eating some of your favourite childhood foods (like mac n’ cheese), toys and “team building” games and activities will bring you back to your childhood. A pitball, karaoke and even nap-time are also part of the programs. Interested applicants have two program choices: “Art and Crafts” or “Exercice And Social Games.

Turner says the daycare isn’t for people who just want to party — there are rules prohibiting alcohol, drugs or sex inside the adult daycare. No cellphones are allowed.

The 6-hour daycare session reportedly costs $80 on weekdays and $120 on weekend.

While adult daycare is a new concept in Canada, it is very popular in Europe, U.S. and Australia.


Filed under: adult, adult daycare, daycare, grown-up