It is more than Halloween sending chills down our spine this year!

With the cold fast approaching, the Sudbury Women’s Centre (SWC) is knocking on virtual doors to help keep the community safe and warm.

“There is nothing scarier than the unknown,” explains Giulia Carpenter, Executive Director of the Women’s Centre. “Our clients have experienced the fear of uncertainty more than ever this year, and it is our mission to give them access to the basic needs items, resources, and tools to put an end to that uncertainty.”

Online donations made during the SWC’s first ever virtual trick or treating campaign can make THREE TIMES the impact in women’s lives, providing practical essential items as well as offering encouragement and emotional support.

“Contributions received by our generous community make a much bigger impact than you might think this spooky season,” continues Carpenter. “Not only do we provide grocery gift cards to feed women and their children – we help to nourish bodies and souls. Along with basic needs items, we create opportunities to present their best selves, encouraging confidence and hope.”

Those interested in making a donation to the Triple Your Treat campaign are encouraged to visit the Centre’s fundraising page at here.

Their goal is to raise $3,000 by Halloween.

Files from the Sudbury Women’s Centre