Dictionary.com shared the five words we mispronounce the most.

(Source: http://y98.cbslocal.com/2016/09/06/words-we-mispronounce-most/)

1. Coupon. (KOO-pon.) Many people incorrectly say “KYOO-pon”

2. Mischievous. (MISS-cheh-vous.) Many people say “mich-CHEE-vee-ous.”

3. Reservoir. People ignore the second “R”, and say “res-UH-voir.”

4. Prerogative. It starts with a “P-R-E.” So it’s “PRUH-rogative,” not “PER-ogative.”

5. Espresso. A lot of people say “EX-presso”, but there’s no “X” in there.


Filed under: dictionary, grammar, spelling, words